The first annual UK Analytic Legal Philosophy Conference took place at Oxford (University College) on Sept 26-27, 2008, with the co-sponsorship of the CFLPP. It was organized by John Gardner, Claire Grant, Leslie Green, and Matthew Kramer. The five presenters of papers were Kimberley Brownlee (University of Manchester), Alon Harel (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Cristina Redondo (University of Genoa), John Tasioulas (Oxford University), and Jeremy Waldron (New York University).
The second annual UK Analytic Legal & Political Philosophy Conference was held in York on Sept 18-19, 2009. It was jointly sponsored by the Morrell Centre for Toleration, the York University Law School, and the CFLPP. The two local organizers -- in addition to the four organizers listed above -- were Matt Matravers and Alfonso Donoso. The five presenters of papers were Professor David Enoch (Hebrew University), Professor Leslie Green (Oxford/Chicago), Professor Matt Matravers (York), Dr Serena Olsaretti (Cambridge), and Dr Suzanne Uniacke (Hull).
The third annual UK Analytic Legal & Political Philosophy Conference was held at University College London on Sept 24-25, 2010. It was jointly sponsored by the UCL Faculty of Laws and the CFLPP. The two local organizers -- in addition to Matthew Kramer in Cambridge -- were George Letsas and James Penner, with assistance from Lisa Penfold. The five presenters of papers were Cecile Fabre (Oxford), Claire Grant (Warwick/Leicester), Saladin Meckled-Garcia (UCL), David Owens (Reading), and James Penner (UCL).
The fourth annual UK ALPP Conference was held at the University of Leicester on Sept 16-17, 2011. It was jointly sponsored by the University of Leicester Law Faculty and the CFLPP. The local organizer was Professor Claire Grant. The five presenters of papers were Clare Chambers (Cambridge), John Gardner (Oxford), Andrew Simester (NUS/Cambridge), Hillel Steiner (Manchester), and Zofia Stemplowska (Warwick).
The fifth annual UK ALPP Conference took place in York on Sept 14-15, 2012. The five presenters of papers were Eoin Daly (Dublin), Peter Jones (Newcastle), Claes Lernestedt (Uppsala), Avia Pasternak (Essex), and Kristen Rundle (LSE). For 2012 only, the UK ALPP Conference was merged with the biennial Morrell Conference on Toleration in the Politics Dept at York. Matthew Kramer was the general organizer, and Matt Matravers was the local organizer at York.
The sixth annual UK ALPP Conference took place at Churchill College, Cambridge on Sept 13-14, 2013. The five presenters of papers were Professor Ian Carter (Pavia), Dr Sarah Fine (KCL), Dr Helen Frowe (Kent), Professor Michael Otsuka (LSE), and Professor Jonathan Wolff (UCL). Matthew Kramer was the local organizer as well as the general organizer. Funding was provided by the Cambridge University Law Faculty, Churchill College, the CFLPP, and Hart Publishing.
The seventh annual UK ALPP Conference took place at Edinburgh University on Sept 12-13, 2014. The five presenters of papers were Antony Hatzistavrou (Hull), George Letsas (UCL), Sandra Marshall (Stirling), Susan Mendus (York), and David Miller (Oxford). The central organizer was Matthew Kramer, and the local organizer was Luis Duarte d'Almeida. Funding was provided by the University of Edinburgh School of Law and Hart Publishing.
The eighth annual UK ALPP Conference took place at King's College London on Sept 18-19, 2015. The five presenters of papers were Luis Duarte d'Almeida (Edinburgh), Grant Lamond (Oxford), Antje du-Bois Pedain (Cambridge), Anne Phillips (LSE), and Andrea Sangiovanni (KCL). The central organizer was Matthew Kramer, and the local organizer was Ori Herstein. Funding was provided by the King's College London School of Law.
The ninth annual UK ALPP Conference took place at the University of Manchester on Sept 16-17, 2016. The five presenters of papers were Ori Herstein (KCL and Hebrew University); Chandran Kukathas (LSE); Emily McTernan (UCL); Mark Reiff (Manchester); and Miriam Ronzoni (Manchester). The central organizer was Matthew Kramer, and the local organizer was Richard Child. Funding was provided by the Manchester Centre for Political Theory and by the CFLPP.
The tenth annual UK ALPP Conference took place at the University of Stirling on Sept 15-16, 2017. The five presenters of papers were Richard Child (Manchester), Gerald Lang (Leeds), Cara Nine (Cork), Euan MacDonald (Edinburgh), and Adina Preda (Limerick). The central organizer was Matthew Kramer, and the local organizer was Rowan Cruft. Funding was provided by the University of Stirling Philosophy Department.
The eleventh annual UK ALPP Conference took place at the University of Hull on Sept 14-15, 2018. The five presenters of papers were Rowan Cruft (Stirling), Antony Duff (Stirling), Jesse Tomalty (Bergen), Amit Pundik (Tel Aviv), and Lubomira Radoilska (Kent). The central organizer was Matthew Kramer, and the local organizer was Antony Hatzistavrou. Funding was provided by the University of Hull Philosophy Department and the CFLPP.
The twelfth annual UK ALPP Conference took place at Churchill College, Cambridge, on Sept 20-21, 2019. The five presenters of papers were Michael Garnett (Birkbeck College), Cecile Laborde (Oxford), Rae Langton (Cambridge), Findlay Stark (Cambridge), and Daniel Statman (Haifa). The organizer was Matthew Kramer. Funding was provided by Churchill College, the CFLPP, and Hart Publishing.
The thirteenth annual UK ALPP Conference took place through Zoom on Sept 18-19, 2020. The five presenters of papers were Ben Colburn (Glasgow), Timothy Endicott (Oxford), Kate Greasley (Oxford), Lars Vinx (Cambridge), and Katy Wells (Warwick). The organizer was Matthew Kramer, with the help of Andrew Gerrard in the Law Faculty Computing Office.
The fourteenth annual UK ALPP Conference took place through Zoom on Sept 24-25, 2021. The five presenters of papers were Ruth Chang (Oxford), Andrew Halpin (National Univ. of Singapore), Phil Parvin (Loughborough), Irit Samet (King's College London), and Re'em Segev (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem). The organizer was Matthew Kramer, with the help of Andrew Gerrard and Sarah Hill in the Law Faculty Computing Office.
The fifteenth annual UK ALPP Conference took place on Sept 2-3, 2022, at Trinity College Dublin. The five presenters of papers were Elizabeth Ashford (St Andrews), Mark Dsouza (UCL), Mollie Gerver (Essex), Dimitrios Kyritsis (Essex), and Patrick Tomlin (Warwick). The central organizer was Matthew Kramer, and the local organizer was Adina Preda.
The sixteenth annual UK ALPP Conference took place on Sept 1-2, 2023, at King's College London. The five presenters of papers were Richard Bellamy (UCL), Paul Billingham (Oxford), Liat Levanon (KCL), Claudio Michelon (Edinburgh), and Carmen Pavel (KCL). The central organizer was Matthew Kramer, and the local organizer was Irit Samet.
The seventeenth annual UK ALPP Conference took place on Sept 13-14, 2024, through Zoom. The five presenters of papers were Amanda Cawston (Tilburg), Marie Newhouse (Surrey), Robert Simpson (UCL), Thomas Simpson (Oxford), and Leo Zaibert (Cambridge).
The eighteenth annual UK ALPP Conference will take place on Sept 11-12, 2025, at the University of York's Morrell Centre for Legal & Political Philosophy. The five presenters of papers will be Hannah Carnegy-Arbuthnott (York), Quassim Cassam (Warwick), Haris Psarras (Southampton), Katherine Puddifoot (Durham), and Kevin Toh (UCL).
[Please note that the UK ALPP Conference is a by-invitation-only event.]